All About Tooth Decay

All About Tooth Decay

In order for tooth decay to be developed in a tooth, that tooth must have acid producing bacteria around it, along with food for the bacteria to feed upon. Teeth that are susceptible to decay will have little to no fluoride in the enamel to fight the plaque. Fluoride can destroy decay, although it won’t be able to do much once the decay has started to eat the teeth.

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Foods and Drinks Have Strong Impact On Your Teeth

Foods and Drinks Have Strong Impact On Your Teeth

Many of us just don’t know the effects of different foods that we take in our body, especially the effects it has on our teeth. For example, the longer food stays in your mouth, the more of a risk it has on your teeth. Eating chips, pasta and noodles frequently may be harsh on our teeth because of the carbohydrates that are being reprocessed. When eating leftover foods, it can also cause harm on your teeth because of the bacteria that is present in the food. It can produce acid that will cause tooth decay. Eating foods that are chewable and sticky, can also be a cause for tooth breakdown. However, one of the biggest causes for tooth decay comes from the carbonated soft drinks. The sugar tends to cover the teeth, which causes the decaying of teeth much quicker.

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